"To be without silver is better than to be without honor."

Before the loss of their ancestral wood, the Sigrun village was peaceful. Calm, quiet, and at harmony with nature. But invaders and terrors came, nearly wiping the village from the face of the star. They kept coming even as they migrated to new grounds. The village began to change. Gone were the days of peace. Instead, they sought new challenges. Training, scouring the wood over for those who could make them strong. Even the workings and teachings within the village changed. Rituals that were meant to make their sisters and brothers stronger. Secrets that changed the pack into proud, fierce warriors.They sat near the border of Golmore jungle, finding refuge on the front lines. Transforming themselves into a warlike and violent sect of viera. They would never forget what the hyur of old had done to their original homelands. They vowed to be a sanguine shield, to never allow it to happen again. Responding to every trespass with blood and glory. Victory after victory.When Dalmasca fell, celebration of its demise howled through the jungle. But those calls, filled with hope and joy, soon turned to the beating of the drums of war. A new foe had arrived. Three-eyed freaks with no ability to shape and bend the mist. But they were a fierce and respectable adversary that challenged even the Sigrun village.A few years ago, the winds changed. A mysterious figure offered information to the Sigruns, more valuable than an elder dragon's weight in gold. The Garleans had a new facility. A wretched lab of experiments. And a weapon so powerful, it could annihilate many villages in just a few moments. All from the comfort and safety of their Castrum.A great council was called. The Modir and Bone Caster spoke of what was to come. What had to be done. Each member of the village, regardless of sex, was given two pebbles. One of stark white, cast to choose exile, to sacrifice their life for all. The other, a dark stone, to be cast if one chose to do nothing but wait for the hammer to fall.

Not a single black pebble was cast into the pot that night. A unanimous decision was made. The Sigruns would sacrifice themselves, to protect the rest of their brethren. Those who could not fight - the infirmed, the untrained, and kits - were sent away to other villages, with a message:We go now to our deaths, knowing our family far and wide will be safe. Celebrate our victory, and do not mourn us. We do this so all of you can live beautiful lives and the wood will be protected. With love in our hearts, we give all we can for you. Be glorious our brothers and sisters.The battle was brutal. Weeks of the enemy slowly pushing their way through the lines, taking more and more territory. Many viera were wiped out. Some by Garlean soldiers and their magitek. Others in the massive explosion that covered several malms of land. In the end, the few viera who remained stood over the crater left behind. Victorious.After the battle was won, the Sigruns were left with only exile. Leaving their homeland behind, the Sigruns began to roam. Exploring the star led them to a new way of life. A nomadic one, inspired by the Xaela of the Steppe. They accepted the changes they had to in order to survive. But the fierce qualities they were known for yet remained.

“Cattle die, kin die, all are mortal. Words of praise will never perish nor a noble name.”

Much had to change when we left home. We were no longer a true village, and not many of us survived the attack. So, we adapted, changed. We call ourselves a clan and restructured how we live. We picked a nomadic lifestyle, going where we wish, or where we are needed. Inviting the men to live with us and making changes to the caste within the clan. Absent the Green Word, tenants were created to give our lives some structure. These are the codes which we try to live by.



An oracle to her people, the bonecaster is the most prestigious rank one can achieve. But not all viera women have the skills or desire to become one. Though her wisdom and guidance is often sought, the viera who holds this position must give up her family and life among the village and live a solitary life. This position only goes to the females of the clan.


The mother, the matriarch, the ruler of the clan. This position only goes to females of the clan. It is not often passed down through a bloodline, often the current Modir picks a viera who they feel exhibits the best interest of the village and trains them to one day take her place. The also are the one responsible for the clans hearthstone.


The generals, field leaders, those the others look to for direction in battle and defense. They must prove themselves worthy of this position through a trail that has claimed many lives. At current there are two of these among the viera, and since the mass exile, the clan has allowed a male to fill this position.


Within the Sigrun village, the warden title was a special position offered to few viera. They are those tasked with keeping the peace within the village, investigating any disturbances, and guarding the Modir. This position is granted by the Modir herself.

Wood Warder

Once a position for the men, and a choice for a few women, they lived outside the village. Our first line of defense, the protector of our borders. While we kept the name, their duties have changed. We all live together, and the Warders are still our frontline, or defense. Our warriors.

Salve Maker

Another position that had to change with our mass exile. Our salve makers are those who remain within our camps, women and now men who take care of us. They provide our meals, tend to our wounds. They are the glue that holds us together, but make no mistake, they are every bit as fierce as our warders.


The young, those who have not yet gone through puberty, or had their genders revealed. Though sometimes if a kit has not picked a place or station within the tribe and lazes about this title can often remain until they can prove themselves worthy of a place within this clan.


These are the outsiders, those not of the village or viera, this term is often used in a derogatory in nature when spoke. Now, it is also a term for those outsiders to know they have started to earn some measure of respect often the Sigrun clan will stop the use of this term.

The Branded

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Respect and protect nature, the star is a gift, and we do nothing to bring her harm.We live as one now, brothers and sisters alike. No more will clan be separated.

Reclaim what was ours, those things and people taken from us.We are a part of the greater world of the greater world now, learn from our neighbors, respect their ways of lives, laws, and territories.

Protect each other, and all viera. Male or female, Rava or Veena, if one of ours is in danger we shall act as the shield.Work always to better yourselves and the clan.

Story and Location

Trouble has been stalking the Amalj'aa, something dark and unseen. Many of their kin have gone missing or were found dead. They made a bargain with us, offering us relics of our ancestors they came across as payment for aid and protection.Their camp is currently located just outside Little Ala Mhigo.

"We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged."

Kits and of the Blood

Tonn Gista (First Night)

This is perhaps what outsiders consider one of the most barbaric traditions that the village has. When a kit is born, they are subject to their first test. They are wrapped in nothing more than swaddling clothes and placed outside in a wooden bassinet. Then they are left alone for the entirety of their first night, the parents are only allowed to prevent any animal from making a meal of the kit from a distance.

Tan Tilbyr (Tooth Gift)

It is customary within the peoples of Sigrun to give their kit a gift when they cut their first tooth. Depending upon the family, gifts have ranged from something as simple as a golden coin, a weapon, even a tract of land the kit will one day work on or oversee. Sometimes, the family gives a gift of knowledge, a lesson they offer to the kit that will not be forgotten.

Övergångsrit (Rite of Passage)

As a kit comes into puberty and their gender, each is given a task. A challenge set upon them by the Modir. The challenge can be anything she deems fitting but they are always difficult in some way. Sometimes these rites can take months or years to complete, and each is tailored to the kit specifically. However upon completing the task, they are welcomed into adulthood with a feast and allowed to their choice and vote.

Dreyrugr Eidr (Bloodstained Oath)

Their outlook on those they call Sveks (horrible insulting name for non-Sigruns) is negative and practically nothing short of divine intervention can sway them. Though a Svek can rise in their eyes through efforts that most are frankly unwilling to partake. If they have proven themselves enough, which at times is basically a life ending affair, a Sigrun of status can evoke this ancient rite of passage. Before the clan they speak of the outsider's pride, courage, honor, and reason for deserving this rite. The Sigrun cuts their palm, as does the outsider. Holding their bloodied hands together they speak an oath to one another. Binding their blood. Binding their fate. Both the outlander and the Sigrun have the wound sealed with a hot brand. No longer is the outlander a Svek. Now, they are one of the blood. To question this bond, is to question the Sigrun that evoked this rite.

Kits and of the Blood

Naofa Dearadh (Divine Marking)

This is done before every matter of great importance. Before each celebration, each hunt, every battle, every meeting of the clans, every rite of passage. The Bonecaster before dawn, when she begins her prayers and incantations. They use items from the world around them, plants, berries, fruits, earth, ash, water, and even blood to concoct a mixture. This paint is applied in designs that only they may know. Each of those seeking these markings have them drawn upon their flesh with fingers or with brushes made from plants. Some other forms are done with the end of a pointed stick, an animal claw, or even an animal fang. These latter markings hold within the flesh for several days even weeks.

Berättelse om gärningar (Telling of Deeds)

For viera who have achieved something great, they may have their deeds recorded. They find a place secluded from the clan and sit with a blue fire burning, waiting for both the Bonecaster and a Lorekeeper to attend them. They are given a draught, that sends them into a sedated state and prevents them from telling lies. They are then guided through speaking their deeds for the Lorekeeper to record. At the end the Bonecaster judges their deeds. If they are proven worthy tales and viera, they are given the choice to have their deeds inked upon their flesh or the skin of an animal.

Kastgåva (Gift of Caste)

Every Sirgun must have a caste, a job to do within the village. But this is always a choice made by the viera. Warders, salve makers, alchemist, animal keepers, lorekeepers, healers, tree tenders and the many other task within the village. When they finally find a caste that suits them best, they announce it before the whole of a tribe, and are gifted a tool of their trade from the Modir.

Rättegång genom strid (Trial by Combat)

When two members of the clan can find no peace between them, when there is no other option aside from spilling blood, when the quarrel can only end in complete defeat, the Sigrun people turn to this. People from both sides form a large circle around the two opposing members, setting them in opposite sides. Each of the combatants wears simple clothing and brings with them only one item such as a suit of armor, a weapon, a shield or some other object. They attack one another without quarter or mercy and continue to fight until only one remains standing. This combat has been used also in times of war or by outsiders who fill wronged. Either side instead of sending forth their masses, evokes this right and sends but one fighter forward. The terms of victory are claimed before the fight..

Vaktmästarsrit (Rite of the Warden)

Vakt, is one of the most esteemed positions within the clan. Because the trials in which a viera undergoes to achieve this title are some of the most grueling challenges any person can face. This is often not a rite a viera undergoes until they are much older and experienced. They are tasked with seven labors by another Vakt, each meant to challenge them physically, mentally, and spiritually. Every challenge is kept secret until they are ready to be accepted, and each one is different. The Sigrun can accept no aid of any sort from anyone. Often the viera who take on this rite never make it out alive, and many more drop out of the challenges half way through the process.

Begravning (Funeral Rites)

Coming Soon.

"Hurry to meet death, before your place is taken."

The Hierarchy


Rank: Bonecaster (NPC)


Rank: Modir (NPC)


Rank: Hövding


Rank: Hövding

The Clan


Rank: Animal Keeper


Rank: Wood Warder


Rank: Wood Warder


Rank: Wood Warder


Rank: Lorekeeper


Rank: Wood Warder


Rank: N/A


Rank: N/A

Of the Blood


Rank: Weapon Master


Rank: N/A


Rank: N/A


Rank: N/A

"One who sees their friends roasted on a spit tells all they know."

First and Foremost, we are lore compliant! And we expect those who RP with us to be the same. Some of the stuff on here does bend the lore. So please note as more information becomes available to us things will change. Nothing that bends the lore is permanent.Understand the difference between in character (IC) and out of character (OoC). While we understand disagreements will come up, we ask that one, if it is in character keep it that way. And two, if you feel you need to speak with the player about it, do so in a respectful manner. We are not our characters.OOC Discrimination of any kind is absolutely not tolerated. If you are a hateful player or suffer from any of the phobic issues. Do not engage us. Any OOC hate speeches, slurs, or discrimination of any kind will get you removed and/or blacklisted without warning.The top spots within the clan are taken up by NPCs, so not one person is in charge. Most decisions involving the tribe are made with some feedback and consensus from the group. While there is room for people to grow into these roles eventually, we ask that they are done through role-playing. Not every character type is perfect for everything.